After discussion with the Vicar we decided that the 2024 Mental Health Sunday would be the last of the annual services. Started in 2009 when Triangulate was officially launched with a mile run around the town (including the aisles in Waitrose) by Rev Tim Sledge, Matt Brook and David Hewett. Matt and David then ran the London Marathon in support of Mind, raising over £13000. And from those beginnings the work of Triangulate started.
Two of the founding trustees spoke in the sermon slot of the 0930 service on Mental Health Sunday. Bridget Brook explained the reasons why we started the charity, and Ian Cox spoke on our work with employers and the community over the years. Bridget then spoke at the Vine service where the discussion slot focused on questions around supporting others and holding open conversations.
So much of what Triangulate has achieved has been possible through the support of the Abbey and wider town congregation. But the wider emphasis in society of the importance of mental wellbeing means it is now a much more widely accepted conversation topic. We can always hold future targeted events/services should this be considered useful.