At Sunday’s 12th Mental Health Sunday in Romsey Abbey the congregation was delighted to hear about the work of the Samaritans from Anne-Marie Drummond, Director of the Winchester and District branch.
During the service Anne-Marie gave a short, informative presentation which was followed by a question and answer session led by Preb. Dr Peter Speck. Topics covered included how important it is for people to speak out and ask for support when they need it; that the Samaritans provide a 24/7 service; and that no matter what the distress is, anyone can call them at any time.
At the end of the service a cheque for £500 was presented to Anne-Marie by Ian Cox and Bridget Brook of Triangulate towards the work of the Winchester and District branch of the Samaritans.
Photo shows Bridget Brook thanking Anne-Marie Drummond (left) for attending the service. Also in photo are Preb. Dr Peter Speck and Ian Cox, Trustees of Triangulate.
Image: Ken Gibson – Romsey Abbey